Friday, 8 November 2019
People Looking for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter KB2825642
People Looking for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter KB2825642 all over the net, You realise thats old right ?, Like i don't just mean old as in old software, but its also a Superseded file by like near on 3 years to a KB replacement ? Office didn't expire in April 2014...
It's like fighting to find an antivirus pattern file from December 2013, when their is one sitting their from August 2016? Well it says August, well 2 outa three places say august actually, but the files July 2016 where ever you snag it from at the moment.. On the links that work that is haha
Still July 2016 is a hell of a lot newer than December 2013 lol
Why people are lookin for an outa date pattern file i am at a total loss.. But facts wise, read it and weep folks, coz someone dropped a clanger in more than one place.. and ide stop using it anyway because its not really secure
Roll up roll up, pick a date.. any date.. August 2nd... sorry pal dead link.. oooo August 23rd.. awe sorry close but no cigar.. we have a winner with July 13th.. dam... lol
Currently offered here is August 2nd, 2016
the actual download Link takes you to here to a 404 file or directory not found error on the file link because its been deleted.
Here, in the microsoft download catalogue currently sits KB3115461, a 13th of July cab file billed as 23rd of August (extract CAB with winrar, run the MSP) It's certainly newer than KB2825642 and anything else apparently said to be on offer from its makers lol
Just Extract the MSP file from the CAB and Run it :)
OR you could use this to run it
msiexec /p C:\Temp\mscomctlocx-x-none.msp /qn
Your welcome...
Sunday, 3 November 2019
Internet Gateway Can't Access The Internet FIXED
So your trying to run Windows and you can't access the internet, you found an Internet Gateway icon in your network control panel like this image
and when you right click to enable it, it says failed, and what ever you do you can't enable Internet Gateway? or access the internet?
This is down to Universal Plug & Play, a UPnP setting in your router and you have two basic options.
The easiest solution is to just run UnPlug n' Pray on the system with the Internet Gateway issue. This can be run again at any time to re-enable UPnP , so its a great tool, Works on 98 upto XP and also supports WINFLP :)
Get UPnP stand alone tool from Gibson Research Here
doesn't even need .net :)
Remember GRC made "shoot the messenger" ' "Socketlock" and the legendary shields up online port and firewall tester. A well established and trusted source.
Your alternative solution is to log into your router and disable UPnP (this will vary by model) so might be easier to google
How do i disabled UPnP on Router Name
Remember using the UnPlug n' Pray option only changes UPnP on the one machine, it has absolutely no interaction with your router or your homes internet connection (only changes the machine its run on)
This is also a great Windows Fundamentals No Internet Fix
Friday, 1 November 2019
Windows XP Update Cleaner (30/NOV/2019)
Windows Update Cleaner better known as WindowsXPUpdateCleaner.bat
Is the cleanest safest XP system clean up tool as it changes nothing in the registry and just makes drive space by binning useless stuff no longer needed. You just save the TEXT file and then change the Extension from .txt to .bat and run it.. You can download it Here. Current version 30/NOV/2019
Right click on it and select RE NAME
rename it so its now WindowsXPUpdateCleaner.BAT
its icon should change, if it hasn't then its called .bat.txt
it MUST end in .bat
IF you have problems Renaming the file (god help u) lol anyway if you do
click on FILE and then SAVE AS and on the box at the Bottom, click the Drop Down
select ALL FILES and then Type the file name in with the .BAT on the end like so
It will look like this when you Run it
It's compatible with Windows XP Home, Pro, Corp, Media Center With any or no service pack, also cleans up Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PC's. Also Works on both x86 and x64 versions.
Small Fragment of the Code Structure Example
The script is much longer, the code above is just a fragment to give an example
If any Log files or $KB$ folders the Complete BAT fails to remove then shoot us a comment with them kb numbers and i will add them..
Is the cleanest safest XP system clean up tool as it changes nothing in the registry and just makes drive space by binning useless stuff no longer needed. You just save the TEXT file and then change the Extension from .txt to .bat and run it.. You can download it Here. Current version 30/NOV/2019
Right click on it and select RE NAME
rename it so its now WindowsXPUpdateCleaner.BAT
its icon should change, if it hasn't then its called .bat.txt
it MUST end in .bat
IF you have problems Renaming the file (god help u) lol anyway if you do
click on FILE and then SAVE AS and on the box at the Bottom, click the Drop Down
select ALL FILES and then Type the file name in with the .BAT on the end like so
It will look like this when you Run it
![]() |
Open In CMD Window |
It's compatible with Windows XP Home, Pro, Corp, Media Center With any or no service pack, also cleans up Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PC's. Also Works on both x86 and x64 versions.
Small Fragment of the Code Structure Example
@TITLE TheWraith Windows XP Update UnInstall Remover
@echo off
@echo ==================================================
@echo [ TheWraith Windows XP Update UnInstall Remover ]
@echo [ (c) ]
@echo ==================================================
echo This Will Recover Lots Of Drive Space on x86 and x64
echo For Windows XP Home Pro Media Center 2002 MCE2005
echo Also Supports Cleaning Up Windows Fundamentals
echo "WARNING!!"
echo If You Have Just Updated Windows OR INSTALLED ANYTHING
echo The YOU MUST Reboot BEFORE Running This, if so, press N
echo This Removes The Following Large Folders
echo %SystemRoot%\ServicePackFiles
echo %SystemRoot%\$hf_mig$
echo %SystemRoot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$
echo It Also Removes All The Mini KB Folders and Logs from
echo Windows Updates Spanning January 2002 to April 2019.
echo And Clears Windows Temp and Current User Temp Folders
echo File Not Found Just Means Its Not Their To Remove
set /P c= Do You Want To Cleanup Now..[Y/N]?
if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :RUN
if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :EXIT
goto :CHECK1
ECHO Looking for the old hidden Content.IE5 Folder in sub dir of the Windows Temp
ECHO Relates to how IE 6 used a hidden sub folder in Windows Temp for temp net files
ECHO Here Windows\Temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\Temp\TEMPOR~1\Content.IE5
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\Temp\TEMPOR~1\
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\Temp\Cookies
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\Temp\History
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\Temp\Profiles
ECHO I bet you hadn't seen that in over 15+ years...
ECHO if you got an error here, Either malware or a file was in use
ECHO No error should be directly below this text on most systems
ECHO Removing All files and folders from Windows Temp folder
DEL /Q %SystemRoot%\TEMP\*.*
@echo off
del %WINDIR%\TEMP\. /f /q
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir %WINDIR%\TEMP\. /b') do rd "%WINDIR%\TEMP\%%i" /s /q
ECHO Removing All files and folders from Current User Temp folder
DEL /Q %TEMP%\*.*
DEL /S /F /Q %TEMP%\*.*
@echo off
del %TEMP%\. /f /q
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir %TEMP%\. /b') do rd "%TEMP%\%%i" /s /q
ECHO Deleting The 497MB Folder Called "ServicePackFiles"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ServicePackFiles
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "$hf_mig$"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack of Update (Uninstallers)
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$hf_mig$
ECHO Deleting The 302MB+ Folder Called "$NtServicePackUninstall$"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack of SP Update (Uninstallers)
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$
ECHO Deleting The 100MB+ Folder Called "$xpsp1hfm$"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack of SP1 Update (Uninstallers)
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$xpsp1hfm$
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "$NtServicePackUninstallIDNMitigationAPIs$"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack of Update (Uninstallers)
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtServicePackUninstallIDNMitigationAPIs$
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "$NtServicePackUninstallNLSDownlevelMapping$"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack of Update (Uninstallers)
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtServicePackUninstallNLSDownlevelMapping$
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "ie7"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack Of Old Internet Explorer 6 Back Up Files
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie7
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "ie7updates"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack Of Old Internet Explorer 7 Update folders
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie7updates
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "ie8"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack Of Old Internet Explorer 7 Back Up Files
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie8
ECHO Deleting The Folder Called "ie8updates"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO This Holds A Stack Of Old Internet Explorer 8 Update folders
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie8updates
ECHO Deleting The SET TMP Files
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET1.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET2.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET3.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET4.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET5.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET6.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET7.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET8.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET9.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET10.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET11.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET12.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET13.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET14.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET15.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET16.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET17.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET18.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET19.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET20.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET21.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET22.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET23.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET24.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET25.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET26.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET27.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET28.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET29.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET30.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET31.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET32.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET33.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET34.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET35.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET36.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET37.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET38.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET39.tmp
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\SET40.tmp
ECHO Deleting the folder Called "Config.Msi"
ECHO Often left by random installers in the Root Drive
ECHO This often also holds a stack of redundant old .NET folders
@echo off
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\Config.Msi
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\0c069fc63e291482fbbde81a4d
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\d1eb85469b4e59f02542
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\eb0f858276fa510f404c7871
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\89909644eb8841df0ead
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\7b6ded6a4ab347c402ef3771
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\0bccc5f6dc960029d1f868bf
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\74d74b8e1d73030272ee80b315
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\66dde1866c7024de3c1d3b29c58fea
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\69a3be9890d574aa909c
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\940fe6c6d0bcbb0076eaa902b0
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\3bcec6a8ffa259fb8f90c7de
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\82aecbe56b7bf9d1813aae
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\99dec3179190658736b9cc8
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\2948183685d845a531e8
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\8daf30fb4cfa5fd50334284d759d
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\8d6946b0ff7058f99751ba64dc34
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\7c4407e70d60804cf79ccfaaac
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\b77b6f48e61f939e0e0c83b2c8e1f014
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\a606b84428061d32d8520c3d850cff
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\33f90629a262bcf1406fbb0c
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\d09ef7a1c73f761066
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\30753c1d51a46fd429
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\ee8bbcbbc99d63816a8b5826973274
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\9d4d86972dfa20ca3c78475eded4
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\2b95272f9a1c771670ad28d5
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\ebf6089bc2700b0091614aee
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\1bbe6d77ac94dc28aaaf91b9
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\31614c9fd100f8aba635
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\6b1f889f6b8552ded4ae6669
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\6ff1db70456e2b280bb01ad41f250887
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\d981a56b31de896aacea
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\9f837a965cc8740be338502b640b4a86
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\2e388cbf7bc3806338f579d688e07c
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\9afc47404feb44d1ce3921
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\925fcbc916580e23b7c976
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\ad7396cf254139da1df6c8c93083
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\7faf08b1e3e4044796234a3d873f1485
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\022d61afdc4df1d473f482
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\7141cb075d992072b26e
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\d0d2202aae045d40b2
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\17afa85304a82ed2a555a10eb5aa9223
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\eb0f858276fa510f404c7871
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\1ea04f9b81c0b0345a71f1444a8414
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\2a8f5e3ab0e502b3d55e82
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\2ecda9c3cafd37d9384d79a10604b1
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\3b77d63c21e1497a0176fa58
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\3ceb281d73bda89e28f3174a12
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\3ef30cd9ea851ddd7567a86265eb85
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\4b341d01dd85caa2d253d72e
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\4fafd077433bb5965dcdc1a2570d474b
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\5a0185768200708151564e
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\5ee1d173c1d8b6ec5e4e86893c09bd
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\5f2522425ce7572bd0bd3617e3d54440
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\6b59eabe00116c4e6e9952c7
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\6d38beccde3316160f6a97525583
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\6ddb068810e4a68ab6a726811b97
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\06edc566e72883f9e4374382150e94
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\7cbd42132452d67bfb09be9f89
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\7d869a6cf687331e14eaa899e3f1
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\8b8485993cf7605617306c77
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\8d916eb659be5ae21988425cd021
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\8dac04aed1db76792c0e8c320fa4
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\9f53ed01b7c08ae93e54d5a4017f06fd
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\9fb31723e68ba8ecc72dc508360eb404
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\31e88b8fad6fb6adca47
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\39dd7456f47989d18d79
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\1ca2a1734eb81b434ac1596087
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\23a6dd4e75335eb89285ac70
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\IISTEM~1
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\msdownld.tmp
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemDrive%\WINSSLog
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\{3C270D9D-E9B3-4B32-9CEE-011D8DE7F2E3}
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\{733355E6-118F-4B38-AFD4-BC762F305FAE}
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\{5D7A5D08-02AA-4A9D-96E8-0AD14F565487}
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\system32\tmp98D04.FOT
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\system32\tmp7CD04.FOT
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\system32\tmp60E04.FOT
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\system32\tmp44E04.FOT
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\system32\tmpCFC04.FOT
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\system32\tmpA4D04.FOT
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\ALT-TA~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\CALCUL~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\CMDHER~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\HTMLSL~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\IMAGER~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\MAGNIF~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\SLIDES~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\TIMERS~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\DOWNLO~2\VIRTUA~1.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\TESTDIR.TMP
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\msdownld.tmp
ECHO Deleting the Install left overs from "SoftwareDistribution"
ECHO Installers leave Un-Needed stuff In the SoftwareDistribution Directory
@echo off
DEL /Q %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.*
DEL /S /F /Q %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.*
@echo off
del %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\. /f /q
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\. /b') do rd "%SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\%%i" /s /q
ECHO Deleting BitFrose Malware Spy (BitDefender online scan dropper)
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\EBFB1375E8DE43DD84303E43485E19F8.TMP
ECHO Deleting the Install left overs from "MICROSOFT VISUAL C++ 2008"
ECHO Stored In The Root Folder
ECHO Their Install usually leaves Un-Needed DLL files in your root Directory
@echo off
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1028.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1031.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1033.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1036.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1040.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1041.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1042.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.1049.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.2052.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\eula.3082.txt
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\globdata.ini
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.exe
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.ini
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1028.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1031.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1033.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1036.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1040.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1041.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1042.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.1049.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.2052.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\install.res.3082.dll
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\VC_RED.MSI
DEL /Q /F %SystemDrive%\vcredist.bmp
ECHO Deleting The Mini folders Called "$NtUninstallKB******$"
ECHO Usually Stored In The Windows Folder
ECHO These Hold Mini folders with Windows Update (Uninstallers)
@echo off
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$968930Uinstall_KB968930$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\TempC629558B-DD21-1E3F-8803-DA53AC12F432-Signatures
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ814995$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ322011$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ282784$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ814545$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ815411$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ810020$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ331816$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ331060$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ330909$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallq330512$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallq329112$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ327979$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ828026$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ282784$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ307869$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ308210$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ309521$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ310437$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ310510$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ311542$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ311889$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ311967$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ315000$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ315403$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ316397$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ317277$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ318138$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ318388$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ318966$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ319322$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ319580$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ319949$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ320174$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ320552$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ320678$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ323172$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ324096$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ324380$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ326830$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ328940$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329048$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329048_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329115$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329170$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329170_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329390$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329390_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329441$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329441_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329834$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ329834_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ810565$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ810577$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ810577_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ810833$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ810833_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ814033$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ815021$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ815021_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ817287$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ819696$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallQ819696_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB4408$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB821253_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB822603$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB823182_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB823559$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB824105_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB825119$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB828035_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB828741$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB828741_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB833987_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB835732_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB837001_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB839643_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB839645_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB840315$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB840315_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB840374_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB840987_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB841356_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB841533_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB841873_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB873376_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB887822$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB887822_RTM$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB892944$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB817778$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB820291$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB821253$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB823182$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB824105$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB826939$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB826942$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB828035$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB833987$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB835732$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB837001$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB839643$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB839645$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB840374$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB840987$
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$NtUninstallKB841356$
The script is much longer, the code above is just a fragment to give an example
If any Log files or $KB$ folders the Complete BAT fails to remove then shoot us a comment with them kb numbers and i will add them..
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