Friday, 8 November 2019

People Looking for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter KB2825642

People Looking for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Junk Email Filter KB2825642 all over the net,  You realise thats old right ?,  Like i don't just mean old as in old software, but its also a Superseded file by like near on 3 years to a KB replacement ?   Office didn't expire in April 2014...

It's like fighting to find an antivirus pattern file from December 2013, when their is one sitting their from August 2016?  Well it says August, well 2 outa three places say august actually, but the files July 2016 where ever you snag it from at the moment.. On the links that work that is haha

Still July 2016 is a hell of a lot newer than December 2013  lol

Why people are lookin for an outa date pattern file i am at a total loss.. But facts wise, read it and weep folks, coz someone dropped a clanger in more than one place.. and ide stop using it anyway because its not really secure

Roll up roll up, pick a date.. any date..  August 2nd... sorry pal dead link.. oooo August 23rd.. awe sorry close but no cigar.. we have a winner with July 13th.. dam... lol

Currently offered here is August 2nd, 2016

the actual download Link takes you to here  to a 404 file or directory not found error on the file link because its been deleted.

Here, in the microsoft download catalogue currently sits KB3115461, a 13th of July cab file billed as 23rd of August (extract CAB with winrar, run the MSP)   It's certainly newer than KB2825642 and anything else apparently said to be on offer from its makers lol

Just Extract the  MSP file from the  CAB  and Run it  :)

OR you could use this to run it

msiexec /p C:\Temp\mscomctlocx-x-none.msp /qn

Your welcome...

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