Thursday, 29 August 2002

Windows XP Service Pack 1

Windows XP Service Pack 1 Installer

Windows XP Service pack one was Signed and Released on the 29th of August 2002 at 14:29, although wiki lists it as September 2002, but then wiki isn't always right.

Windows XP Service Pack 1 Properties
This service pack was later replaced by Service Pack 1a. It is no longer legal to distrubute SP1 and as such we have linked to SP1A. You can get this SP1a  xpsp1a_en_x86.exe update  here.   To obtain later SP packs see the XP Archive page here.

Note that you may not be able to install SP1a (after installing SP1) So depending on your OS release you may have to next install SP2 or just jump to SP3 after installing the SP1 without the A.

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