Thursday, 21 November 2013

Playstation PSX PSOne PS2 Bios Files Information Breakdown

This is being posted as an Information Reference To a set of files released back in 2004
(the files are NOT hosted here, although their is a link to a site that hosts them)

Here is the information gathered in 2004 by TheWraith517

Old Grey Playstation Bios Files
Used By ePSXe Play Station Emulator

PSX Bios ROM V1.0(J)(1994-09-22)(SCPH1000)
PSX Bios ROM V2.2(E)(1995-12-04)(SCPH1002 or DTLH3002)
PSX Bios ROM V2.2(J)(1995-12-04)(SCPH5000)
PSX Bios ROM V2.2(A)(1995-12-04)(SCPH1001 or DTLH3000)
PSX Bios ROM V3.0(E)(1997-01-06)(SCPH5502 & SCPH5552)
PSX Bios ROM V3.0(J)(1996-09-09)(SCPH5500)
PSX Bios ROM V3.0(A)(1996-11-18)(SCPH7003)
PSX Bios ROM V4.0(J)(1997-08-18)(SCPH7000)
PSX Bios ROM V4.1(E)(1997-12-16)(SCPH7502 or SCPH7002 or bios41A)
PSX Bios ROM V4.1(A)(1997-12-16)(SCPH7001)

(A) America US NTSC
(E) European PAL
(J) Japanese J/NTSC

ePSXe recognizes these but not all O.o
and ive opened em up and there all marked as they are
its an EMU problem not a Bios ERROR
its took me hours to sift around the world

also SCPH7002 & SCPH5552 was extracted by TheWraith.. so credit were its due...
 SCPH7002 was extracted from my kids psx and SCPH5552 extracted from mine :)
the ePSXe wont read them yet, as they never had them in their archive, but they work fine with other emu's.

to test em if you wish
open windows  WORD PAD  (under accessories) and just drag them over the top
THEN...  scroll down to the bottom and you'll see text like this
System ROM Version 4.1 12/16/97 E Copyright 1993-1997 (C) Sony Computer Entertainment Inc..
so there all perfectly named.. so BLAME THE EMU for errors

kk How To get The most out of them
In ePSXe 1.5.0 select SCPH1001  or  SCPH7502
In ePSXe 1.6.0 select SCPH1001  or  SCPH9002
you wont see scph9002 in the folder
(only in epsxe cos it reads scph7502  AS  scph9002 which is wrong)
Remember RE-NAME  NOTHING!!!
keep these intact to help others & help emu makers get it RIGHT
this is the Full set as listed at the top...

Any {problems using these on another PS2 EMU ???}

rename the bios (scph10000.bin) file to
ROM1.bin, then make a copy and rename it to ROM2.bin
and another copy to EROM.bin
so you have 3 but their all the same yip  :)

Early versions of the PS2-THE SCPH10000 usually had all of the control
stuff for the CDVD drives on the memory card, but later versions
of the PS2 came out with changes
The SONY Team decided to install the CDVD software on a separate bios file
this named as ROM1.bin and so on and so on...
so it changed a lot in the later versions.
you just need to make copies of the BIOS file and RENAME IT  ;)

How Do I / You Identify Your/  My  PS2 ?

PlayStation 2 version 1, 2 & 3
Identity Features: 10 Screws at the base of PS2
USA SCPH 30001 Version 1 = Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 0D
USA SCPH 30001 Version 2 = Serial Number begins with U0 Date Code 0D
USA SCPH 30001 Version 3 = Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 1A
USA SCPH 30001 Version 3 = Serial Number begins with U2 Date Code 0D

PlayStation 2 version 4
Identity Features: 8 Screws at the base of PS2
ALSO  electrical warning stamped on the bottom
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U0
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U1
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U2
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U3
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U4
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U5
USA SCPH 35001 Version 4 = GT3 Edition

PlayStation 2 version 4, 5, 6 & 7
There are 3 Motherboards for the SCPH 30001R,
Version 4, 5 and 6 (5 and 6 are the same)
USA SCPH 30001R Version 5 or 6
USA SCPH 39001 Version 7

Real PS2 Bios Files
PS2 Bios scph10000.bin
PS2 Bios scph3004R.bin
PS2 Bios scph39001.bin
PS2 Bios SCPH-30001
PS2 Bios SCPH-35001
PS2 Bios SCPH-30001R
PS2 Bios SCPH-39001
PS2 Bios SCPH-39010
PS2 Bios SCPH-50001
PS2 Bios SCPH-50010
PS2 Bios SCPH-50001N
PS2 Bios SCPH-50010N
PS2 Bios SCPH-39001N
PS2 Bios SCPH-39010N
PS2 Bios rom1.bin <-- ?

You Can Find More Files,  even for PS2 Emu's on

Ive NOT worked on ANY PSX since 2005, So it would be pointless to ask me for any information
I am also unwilling to link directly to Roms, Bins, or Bios files, and that includes any of Wraiths or Fireflys Xplorer & Xploder Roms...  sorry but piracy can't be used here....
I assume other driver sites also host Bios files as they contain the drivers AKA FirmWare for the system....

Special thanks to FireFly who made many cool things and links to many cool things way back when... the likes of B.B.Q, G.F.X and U.G.L where sharing the games on the legendary WinMX  :D
and special thanks to all involved in an with ePSXe  :)
Bleem ?  fk off you sad loosers...

Playstation 3?
Playstation 4?
No Idea...

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Can't Comment On YouTube?

Can't Comment On YouTube?

looks like google has broke YouTube again...  :'(

Some of you may remember back when Google+ first tried to integrate its self into youtube and suddenly you couldn't comment on videos or reply to people

this was caused by a conflict of Privacy settings between YouTube and Google+

IE: activity on youtube was blocked by your google+ settings
now the solution "back then"  MAYBE NOT NOW

was to delete the google+ profile and revoke all access (which worked IN THE PAST)
But to be honest the way they have Manipulated the new "Video Comments System" were they DON'T go into your inbox, could seriously mess up your video views and your comments, could even end up loosing your whole youtube and the videos and subscribers

so im warning people... this time around.. just wait, be patient, give google time to fix it
doing that trick from last time could loose everything... ber in mind they implemented email log in only on youtube (user names no longer work)  i strongly advise against that old school deletion method!!
Anyone whos having to use the Google+ to comment,  be grateful you can even do that at the moment, because many can't...

Remember This Notice?
Most comment notifications will now be delivered by Google+ and not to your inbox.

Those that DON'T (can be replied to on YT) via your inbox link

Friday, 8 November 2013

FaceBook Died On iPhone 5 (solution here)

as its friday night and facebooks just royally fkd up
(least their following tradition) ROFL

Ok do you have iTunes on your PC or LAPTOP.. if so


(and bring up the task manager make sure its shut before you delete it)

plug phone into pc/laptop  (go to APPS on YOUR iTunes...)
and install THAT VERSION of facebook

if you DON'T delete facebook OFF the phone, it will only replace the iTunes version with the phone version

If you have purchases on the phone that are NOT on your pc then...

Access the iTunes menu top LEFT, show menu bar, click FILE, then click DEVICES, then click

TRANSFARE PURCAHSES FROM  (and the name of your device)


Facebook Crashed iPad, iPod, iPhone
Facebook Crashes Back To Home Screen
Facebook Crashes Back To Desktop
Facebook Died
Facebook Shuts
Facebook Wont Stay Open
Facebook Closed
Facebook Error

Please Follow My Blog & Check Out The Other Tutorials

Friday, 1 November 2013

Instant Reboot Restart Shortcut On Desktop

A Faster Way To Reboot The Machine?

right click on the desktop and select create shortcut

Enter this code:

%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 05 -c "Reboot Initiated Windows Restarting Now"

the text in Red you can change
the Time in Green you can also change

Works on the following versions of windows

Windows XP (inc SP1 SP2 & SP3)
Windows Vista (inc SP1 & SP2)
Windows 7 (inc SP1)
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10

Instant Shutdown Shortcut On Desktop

A Faster Way To Shutdown The Machine?

right click on the desktop and select create shortcut

Enter this code:

%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 05 -c "Admin Has Initiated ShutDown"

the text in Red you can change
the Time in Green you can also change

Works on the following versions of windows

Windows XP (inc SP1 SP2 & SP3)
Windows Vista (inc SP1 & SP2)
Windows 7 (inc SP1)
Windows 8
Windows 8.1
Windows 10

Saturday, 26 October 2013

iPhone and iPad Bogus Update Notifications

iPhone and iPad bogus update notifications ?

I have seen a lot of people asking and no one answering, so here is the answer to the question

Q) The app store says there are updates and when i go onto it, it says all my apps are up to date?

A) If it says there are say 5 or 10, 15 updates and when you hit it there's none their its because your running an OLDER  iOS   IE.. there ARE updates for that amount of apps you have notifications for, BUT the updates require iOS 7 or above so when it opens it wont give you them or show you them  ;)

Note to apple (if your reading)  you should show the apps and upon trying to install it should say its for an older version and you can't

Q) why wont they do that ?

A) because it'll say its for a newer version.. BUT would you like to install a compatible version?...
then it'll proceed to download and install the exact version you already have...
sloppy code lolz

See i use garageBand and iOS 6.1.4, i don't get told their is an update, i just get a number over the app store icon, but if i go to the garageband "app store page"  the download button says update, then says i can't and installs the one i already have ROFL

App store error problem

Monday, 14 October 2013

Windows XP BITS Update Nightmare Fixed

Your ERROR Code May Look Different.. But Same Solution

I was recently having murder updating a windows XP machine, I could access the updates but each download said FAILED, I tried the windows update fix-it, the microsoft update fixit, even tried forcing the re-install of the windows update package with the  /wuforce command, all to no avail.

Then I noticed in my Windows Services that BITS was missing gone done a bunk and fkd off
Then suddenly i noticed it, but instead of BITS it was listed as

Display Name  @%SystemRoot%\system32\qmgr.dll,-1001

Description @%SystemRoot%\system32\qmgr.dll,-1000
I was unable to start the Bits service

Then i realized the Display name was to throw off  I.T guys, they see the string and assume yeah its their
but its not, it should be listed as this..

Display Name  BITS

and the description should be

Description @%SystemRoot%\system32\qmgr.dll,-1001

Path to executable C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs

to restore the bits service, create a TEXT file and paste this code into it
(make sure NO lines have spaces at the end or random symbols word wrap OFF)

REG FILE FOR WINDOWS XP ONLY (Home/Pro/Corp/Media Center)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





save the file, then right click on it and RENAME,   call it   BitFix.reg, click ok on the warning
then right click on the file and Merge into registry, or double click it
when asked to add info to registry, say yes, once imported click ok
NOW REBOOT, and go straight to windows update after reboot,
the service will be running, so don't waste time checking as your pc needs updating asap
Incase what ever you were OR are infected with tries to exploit another vulnerability in your out dated system

 For help on windows 7 or vista, google windows background intelligent transfer service missing
 Its normally an Alternate fix

click start, then at the bottom in the box you can type, type  CMD
when it appears at the top RIGHT CLICK on it and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR

then Right click by the flashing cursor and COPY THIS

sc create BITS binpath= "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs" start= delayed-auto

paste this into the cmd box and hit enter

Other Microsoft Update Fixes for Bits

Vista 32BIT reg fix topic (USE THEIR REG FILE)
Windows 7 reg fix topic (USE THEIR REG FILE)
Another VISTA Solution Here
If you get Permission errors on 7 or Vista (and you ran CMD as admin) then Read Here

I DON'T steal files or links, i make my own or point to resources
(the XP reg script is a Direct Export from a working XP System of my own)
IE, if you have TWO exact operating systems you can export the key your self
and import on system 2 (they don't have to be the same model pc) just the same windows version

Google Search Key Words

Background Intelligent Transfer Service is missing in XP
bits not in service
Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) missing
Downloading Download Microsoft Security Essentials Failed
Windows Update Error
Windows Update Failed To Install
Microsoft Update Error
Can't Access Windows Update
Can't Access Microsoft Update
Windows Update Wont Work
Windows Update Broken
Windows Update Problem

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Downgrade Revert iPhone iPod and iPad From iOS 7.0 Back To iOS 6.1.4 or 6.1.3 or 8 back to 7

(this was originally written for going from iOS 7 back to 6.x, but you can also go from 8 back to 7)
Have You Upgraded To Apple iOS 7.0 and Don't Like It?
you know you can downgrade it back to iOS 6.1.4... using just  iTunes and a pc/laptop

Right most people with iPhone 5 (on their computer they have this Specific file)
or this one

Its that firmware that iTunes would of told you that you need to use iTunes to download it if your phone doesn't use wifi as well as cellular
Note that 6.02, 6.03 and 6.04 "for most people" came later, if you grabbed 6.01 or 6.0 in the beginning, so many DON'T have the FINAL 6.1.4  iOS to restore to
(as smaller updates that the phone could handle alone easier came later for many users)

if your sick of iOS 7.0 or or 8 just having problems.. If you wish to downgrade you iPhone 5
(that's FIVE, not 5S or 5C)
then ideally you need to download this specific file from apple manually with a Computer or Mac and download it  "while you can"   iPhone5,2_6.1.4_10B350_Restore.ipsw
for iPhone 4 and 4S see lower down this post ;)

At the moment you CAN download that 6.1.4 COMPLETE FirmWare From HERE
in TEXT form that's this URL (as you can see its a Direct Apple Link),2_6.1.4_10B350_Restore.ipsw
That saves using the older 6.0+ then having to patch it up to 6.1.4
so download that file to make sure your starting with the FINAL release of iOS 6

Disconnect PC or LapTop From The Internet
Plug your phone into your PC/LapTop
then open iTunes, click on your phone & select RESTORE
then BROWSE to the .ipsw file

Q) my iTunes says its connecting to apple?
and it will let you Select a ispw file....

Additional Notes:

iPad Serial / Model Information direct from apple here
iPhone Serial / Model Information direct from apple here

Downgrade iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S back to iOS 6?
for the iPhone 4 you need to no if it is a GSM or CDMA phone, for the 4S you don't need to no
consult the info that came with your phone OR see if you have the latest IPSW file on your pc.laptop, search it for    *.ipsw,  what ever one you DO have, look for it on that site, then do a "save as"  and see if the file name Matches, if so then thats the phone you have, so grab the latest 6.1.3 for that model  ;)

LAST v6+ FirmWare for iPhone 4 (CDMA) 6.1.3 iPhone3,2_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw
 (Ignore the 3,2 on the URL and File Name, I am unsure why they did that, maybe to confuse people browsing their FTP servers, Note how the iPhone 3GS firmware is actually called  iPhone2,1_6.1.3_10B329, so dont be confused by that 3,1 or the 4,1, concern your self with the 6.1.3),2_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw

LAST v6+ FirmWare for iPhone 4 (GSM) was 6.1.3 iPhone3,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw

(Again Ignore the 3,1 on the url file name)
LAST v6+ FirmWare for iPhone 4S was 6.1.3 iPhone4,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw,1_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw

iPad 4th Generation iOS 6 went to 6.1.3 and that was iPad3,6_6.1.3_10B329_Restore
(note that does GSM and CDMA phones) :)  and can be downloaded here,6_6.1.3_10B329_Restore.ipsw

Other Firmwares can be found HERE
for iPad, iPod, iPod Touch, and Apple TV

If your unsure what model you have, look in these folders (on ur pc/mac) for ipsw files
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Software Updates
C:\Users\YOUR NAME\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates
i found MY iPad firmware 6.1.3 by googling the words
Download iPad3,6_7.0_11A465_Restore
then i looked for iPad3,6_6.1.3_  on the same page & opted for the one that does GSM & CDMA
its a 4th generation iPad, but clearly by the 7.0 Update In my iTunes download folder the firmware needed is for my model (part of the file name) means my model is not really a 4th gen as such but more iPad model    3.6,    the the wifi/celluar ino is essentially   11A465  iOS is 6.1.3  ;)
Only thing to be sure of is IS your device just WiFi, or just Cellular or Both
Between the    numbers.letters.Restore.ipsw  (700+MB)  file (its name) and your serial off the back of the defice compared to the apple links with device info, its dead easy to find the ipsw you need..
Hell the Last  iOS 7  ipsw file may already still be sitting on your pc in that folder lol along side the iOS 8 file...

Other Help?

When upgrading updating to iOS 7.0  iTunes says back up my purchases before Upgrade Update ?

Top LEFT corner of iTunes (if you have NO Visible Menu bar)

 Click the little Box

on that drop down menu Click Show Menu Bar

Now on the menu bar click on "FILE"
on that drop down menu, look for "Devices"
then click the "Transfer Purchases" the one with your name next to it

They could of been downloaded again, but if your phones organised then this saves messing things up
hopefuly you made a back up of your phone before upgrade so you can probably restore it rather than setting up as a new iPhone.

 I was lucky enough to hit my apps folder and back up facebook, eBay and other apps that were specifically for  iOS 6.0+, no you can't have them, and they would ONLY work on my account anyway unless your phones jailbroken, ALL OFFICIAL App Store Apps are STAMPED with the users details, it is NOT recommended to share your apps with jail break users

Can i Downgrade an iPhone 5S 5C to iOS 6.1.4 ?
MAYBE, but for most of you reading this its NO, It would be too messy
the iPhone 5 has an A6 CPU the iOS 6 Firmware has Drivers for that hardware
the iPhone 5S has the A7 CPU, its firmware has drivers for that hardware
im sure over time people will manage it, may even get the iOS 7 front end onto an iPhone 3 and 3GS
but until then.. the iPhone 3GS is pretty much a dead duck once a few apps go iOS 7 only

Random Questions...
Q) Can you permanently Unlock / Jailbreak an iPhone OR  iPad
A) As of "this very moment"  NO you can't
buying direct from apple (devices are open for ever)
that said i know someone who bought an iPhone 5S from GifGaff (put a tMobile sim in) plugged it into iTunes and iTunes said (congratulations your phone is now unlocked & it connected, i have heard that Most iDevices now will unlock once plugged into iTunes.  Id assume this is so people can't argue they jail broke it for their sim card and clearly means they jail broke it to run apps they never bought.

Q) Close Running Apps on iOS 7?
A) double tap home, then swipe upward on applications you want to close

IF YOU BUY AN iPHONE or iPAD DIRECT FROM APPLE, they are Unlocked Permanently...
why has no one tried to do a firmware modification to clone an apple phone over a contract phone, NO IDEA, ive managed to use a carephone warehouse tocco firmware over a locked and branded voda tocco, which unlocked and unbranded.. if it can be written then it can be unwritten, me thinks jailbreakers just wana keep you paying, or their to dumb to permanently unlock one, just the way apple sell them...

Why do iOS 6 apps "optimised for iOS 7" still work on iOS 6. yet many apps wont work on iOS7?
To update their apps for iOS7 support they ADD extra information, this sometimes fails for some apps due to certain app features, but the point is they add to it, not change it, so this extra info is irrelevant to iOS6
IE.. just because an app works on iOS 6 doesn't mean it'll work properly on iOS7
for now i wouldn't upgrade, if you have and have problems, downgrade using my guide
back ya phone up to iCloud, or pc or both, then restore phone firmware Off-Line, then restore back up to phone, job done :)

If you install iOS 8.4.1 you can no longer downgrade back to iOS 7
apparently 8.4.1 is not signed, which id assume there is a way around that.

can these be used to at least take iOS 9 back to iOS 8.4.1 ?, i have not tested
iPad 4th gen Wifi & Cellular  = iPad3,6_8.4.1_12H321_Restore.ipsw
iPhone 5 = iPhone5,2_8.4.1_12H321_Restore.ipsw

Meta Data (for search engine help)
Downgrade Restore Revert iPhone From iOS 7.0 Back To iOS 6.1.4
Downgrade Restore Revert iPhone From iOS 8 Back To iOS 7
Downgrade Restore Revert iPad From iOS 7.0 Back To iOS 6.1.4
Downgrade Restore Revert iPad From iOS 8 Back To iOS 7
Downgrade Restore Revert iPod From iOS 7.0 Back To iOS 6.1.4
Downgrade Restore Revert iPod From iOS 8 Back To iOS 7

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Secure Your Phones GPS or Stop Taking Photos

Secure Your Phones GPS or....
 Stop Taking Photos of your kids & posting them online

Monday, 24 June 2013

Extra Hard Disk Drive Space On Windows XP


I have recently been giving away some Home Made System Tools
That I use when working on Computers & Lap Tops...
This is stuff people just DON'T give away because they are their little home made tools of the trade, things that make us good, well make me good, ive watched many do this job by hand LMFAO

So today i share with the world my  WindowsXPUpdateCleaner.bat

This is a script of sorts written in windows notepad and (was)  updated monthly when XP was in full swing with a list of folder and file names, so each month i run it on varied systems it cleans up the junk for me..
(NEVER confuse a Back Slash with a Forward Slash)
And Also Remember Your Working In Windows NotePad

Its a simple task yet normally takes a fair old while by hand on multiple systems, so i designed a script that looks "Specifically"  for files it knows about which you don't need. This removes ALL risk of it removing anything it doesn't know. As such, I won't shorten the script with the use of a  *.log  aspect, To avoid it killing 3rd party uninstall log files.

IE, It uses a known list rather than a wild card search based formula like *.log

When you run it, it pretty much looks like this...

My Cleaner Script With Basic Interface

When it's finished, it looks like this...

My Cleaner Script With Reboot Option When Finished

It Uses Standard Windows Command Prompt  Code CMD  to remove files and folders i have specified on the list, which saves me having to go in and out of  folders to get rid of stuff.

An example of some of the stuff it removes is the windows update mini folders. When you update windows it downloads the update and unpacks it to a temp dir in your Windows folder (its a hidden folder, so on default settings you cant see it)  Some folders will be made directly in your windows folder like this

You get 100's of them after a fair while updating

You also get a folder in the windows folder that has 100's of folders in their to $hf_mig$
100's of them

Then for each of the KB updates it places a log file in the windows dir
100's of them after a fair while updating

Over time your system can be storing up to 2GB maybe 5GB, thats at-least 2.8 gigabyte of wasted drive space on most systems. Please ber in mind when you download a windows update (just one)  it downloads to here

It then makes a back up of the files its going to replace, those replaced files get stored in the KB folder and the new files go in their original place.
So consider this,  you have the
Downloaded files (Installed In Use)
Original files (Backed Up)
Update files (Downloaded still lingering)

So every time you get a windows update you end up with 3 copies of the files on your system
   and you only need ONE...

Note, for offline installing of windows updates you can pre-empt the creation of these folders and logs by simply adding the /nobackup command switch to your update install script.

One of the commands my script runs is this

RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$hf_mig$

Code Break Down

RMDIR = Remove Directory (IE Delete That Folder)

 /Q   =  Removes all folders & files inside & the specified directory

  /S   = Answers the basic windows question of "are you sure you wish to send this to the bin"

%SystemRoot%  = The Windows Folder on your hard disk, normally C:\Windows, sometimes its D:\

That   %SystemRoot%   parameter saves having to know the drive letter your windows is installed on and saves having the script set a path.

$hf_mig$ = The name of the folder we are removing (that specified directory)

So running that code  RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$hf_mig$    removes 100's of folders and files

Other folders that can be deleted are

C:\WINDOWS\ie7 (This is just a BackUp of IE 6.0, in case you Uninstall 7)
C:\WINDOWS\ie8 (This is just a BackUp of IE 7.0, in case you Uninstall 8)
Don't be fooled by thinking they are the Internet Explorer install folders for 7 and 8

There are also Update folders for each Internet Explorer located here


That can be binned using

RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie7
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie7updates
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie8
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie8updates

If you've ever installed a Windows Service Pack, that's about 480MB, once unpacked it resides here normally   C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles

That can be removed using

RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ServicePackFiles

Lets take a look at the Remove a Specific FILE command

DEL /Q /F %SystemRoot%\KB2633952.log

Code Break Down

DEL = Delete (IE Delete That Item)

 /Q   =   Quiet mode, do not ask if ok to delete the file

  /F   = Force deleting of read-only files "are you sure you wish to send system file"

%SystemRoot%  = The Windows Folder on your hard disk.

KB2633952.log = The name of the file we are removing

To bring up HELP for every dos based app you type its NAME and then a space and then   /?


DEL /?    or   RMDIR /?

The app name, then a space, then a Forward Slash, then the question mark sign
and the App lists its help and available commands.

typing  CLS and hitting enter clears the screen

So go see how much drive space you have & make a note of it
then create a new text file   .txt  and paste this code below into it (ONLY the code)

RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie7
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie7updates
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie8
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ie8updates
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\ServicePackFiles
RMDIR /Q /S %SystemRoot%\$hf_mig$

Make Sure this is ALL you have in the file and then save it

save the file and close it, then right click on it and select RE NAME
rename it so its now  WindowsXPUpdateCleaner.BAT

its icon should change, if it hasn't then its called  .bat.txt
it MUST end in .bat

 IF you have problems Renaming the file (god help u) lol anyway if you do
click on FILE and then SAVE AS and on the box at the Bottom, click the Drop Down
select ALL FILES and then Type the file name in with the  .BAT on the end like so

Once its got the new icon, double click it (Unless You Have Updated & NOT Rebooted)
it will display messages and then pause
pressing any key will make it then exit..  now go see how much drive space you have free
Please ber in mind that's just a small demonstration using a couple of commands
this script can be run on ANY windows XP machine
and remember "file not found" isn't an issue, it just means it wasn't their to remove

To get back into your script "editing"  right click on your Bat file and select EDIT
and it'll open back up in notepad, remember now its a bat, not a txt, so its associated with CMD now, not notepad.. Don't try to associate cmd files by using the "Open With" and picking notepad and selecting always use notepad, because that'll stop bat files running  : /

I would be interested to no how much drive space you have recovered using the whole script, so please comment below with how much you managed to recover on your drive.
Never run this after updating ALWAYS reboot your system once or twice to make sure all the windows updates finished, and then run my script.

Shall we continue?

We also get folders off driver installers and microsoft .net, these tend to linger in random places and sometimes even on a number of your drives if you have more than 1 hard disk or 1 partition.
Some of them even have really whacked out folder names like these...


We also have a command to empty the Windows Temp folder (not user, windows its self)
BUT we DON'T use the Force command on this one as some files in their maybe in use
So we use this command for that

DEL /Q %SystemRoot%\TEMP\*.*

Every user also has a Temp folder of their own, that folder is located here

C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR LOG ON NAME\Local Settings\temp

You can get to that folder easier by clicking Start then RUN and typing in  %TEMP%
and clicking OK, and it opens the folder on your windows account, bin what ever you can in their...

To empty the current user temp, i use this

ECHO Removing All files and folders from Current User Temp folder
DEL /Q %TEMP%\*.*
DEL /S /F /Q %TEMP%\*.*
@echo off
del %TEMP%\. /f /q
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir %TEMP%\. /b') do rd "%TEMP%\%%i" /s /q

It sweeps in a number of ways, if you receive an error during this then a file maybe still in use OR it could actually be malware that's active, most things you can delete from you rown temp folder under normal circumstances, though things like

Also delete what ever you can see IN Here (after windows is fully updated)

So you run my script, then empty your user temp folder & Empty the Download folder in software distribution, defrag and see how much room you have.

My FULL script is available HERE as a TEXT File
(use the Green Button WITH the File Size) size will change as its updated and more is added

If your PC SAVI and you see OLD  KB folders OR Log files my script has missed Please list them in the comments ON THIS POST HERE

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Free APPS FOR iPad iPod and iPhone Apps and Games and NO Jailbreak Required

I am going to let you into one of the best secrets to the iPhone, iPad and iPod...
that some of you may know and some of you may not...

How to get REAL FREE Apps and Games..
Apps and Games that you would normally have to buy..
With NO Jail Break or Hacking Needed, And It Is 100% Legal...
   and ALL Available from the Official iTunes App Store. FREE

There are a few apps out their that are run by people who convince companies on the app store to give away one of their retail apps for free (for 24 hours)  BUT once you click Install on one of these apps you have then added it to your iTunes account   "that means its Yours Forever" even if you delete it off your device...

Some apps offer a discount on the purchase, again once bought like that you can later use the Restore Purchase to get the app back.  Other considerations are if you DON'T have an iPad but you DO plan to get one.. nothing stops you using these apps on your iPhone to see what is avalible for free today.. and then using iTunes on your PC or MAC to manually search the store for the iPad app and downloading it that way.
(so when you get an iPad in the future, you have apps to go on it)

I have saved well over £140 so far using these apps to download software from the iTunes store on my iPhone 3GS and i have amassed a fair bit of ipad software to, so my iTunes account is probably worth around £140 so far (and remember you can have your purchases installed on up to 3 devices at a time)
All of the apps offered (when you click on them) all take you to their official iTunes store page, so the apps you are downloading are coming right from the manufacture. YES "some" of these apps are also available on the Android Market and Google Play as well so you can also get free apps and games on your android phone or tablet, and wireless book  ;)

Why would they do this.. What's the catch?
giving an app away for 24 hours not only gets you some promotion, maybe more sales of other apps, but also builds the "downloads count" and brings in much more user feedback & reviews, helping to improve further updates.. so whats the catch?  their oddly isn't one.. wey hey  :D

The first App I recommend you download onto your iDevice is Apps Gone Free
this app shows anywhere from 5 to 9 free apps every 24 hours and remember once you download one, its attached to your iTunes account forever.. and remember you can always use iTunes its self to download iPad apps, or iPhone apps if your using an iPad already but are looking to get an iPhone at a later date, because ber in mind "not all" apps work on both iPad and iPhone, so for some you need both.

Apps Gone Free

The Next App I Recommend Is FreeAppMagic
this app offers 3 free apps every 24 hours and again once you have an app its yours forever.
The 3rd rocket you select asks you to log in with facebook, you can say "no thanks" and then select the rocket again to view the app..

Free App Magic

The other cool thing is this one also keeps track of how much you have saved since you started.

Next up is such a kick ass app its just unreal FreeAppList - Save Your Money
this things massive, note if an app has a price then its a Paid App (that "maybe" free)
if its NOT got a Price, then its just a Free app (ber in mind a paid app for free is a FULL Paid App)
IE paid apps have no adverts or limitations
So try to get the apps that usually cost (them that show a price in green but crossed out)
MAKE SURE THEIR STORE BUTTON SAYS FREE on the iTunes store page before clicking   ;)
It has about 22 category's separating the apps and it lists up to 10000 apps/games

Free App List

Next up is FGOTD aka Free Game Of the Day
its all in the name and you get to download top games for free
(sadly this wont work on the iPhone 3GS) but it works on other devices.

Also check out AppOfTheDay
they give away apps to


And also look at Appoday
they give away either an App or a Discount, or they arrange for a special bonus if you download a free game today,  IE the games already free, but downloading it today may get you gold, or a character or a level unlock or something (that would of normally been an in app purchase)


Another one is called  AppGratis
sadly this was banned from the iStore because the iTunes terms of service states a developer can only promote their own apps, which makes one wonder how all the other apps have not been banned.
NOTE that AppGrattis still works if you have it, you just can't download it from the app store anymore.
so if its on your phone.. back it up to your pc or mac. you CAN also just visit the AppGratis website Here and see what's free (then search the iTunes Store for the download manually ;)
App Gratis is still available on Google Play for use on Android phones..


Another website listing freeApps



If you don't have an iPad or an iPhone but you do have plans to get one or the other in the future, then nothing stops installing iTunes on your PC and setting up a free Apple ID and using the web to see what these apps are giving away. Then manually searching with iTunes and downloading these apps
(IE adding them to your apple id for future use)

This blog post will be Updated with more shots and info soon :)

Some of the Apps ive downloaded so far using these free app apps

Fast Camera
Zitrr Camera
iMotion HD
Blux Movie
iFast Pro
Lapse It
Gif Me!
My Folder
Design Tools
Converter TM
PDF it All
Scripts Pro
Chess HD
My Movies
Voxel Raiders
miniSynth 2
Special Piano
Real Piano HD
Video D/L
Angry Birds HD
Angry Birds Space HD
Angry Birds StarWars HD
Guitar Suite
Guitar Suite HD
Global Tuner
VLC iRemote
TOP Files
HT Recorder
WiFi Transfer
Voice Memos Pro
Voice Dictation
Air Keyboard
Radio Live!
A3D Player 7.1
Double Music
Audyssey Music Player
Typic Pro
Deco Sketch
Clone Camera
PhotoKit Pro

and 100's of others, some i have installed now, some i don't, but a trip to my itunes and i have them all back again and ready to use...  games, apps, all free, no obligations.. to cool to be true, but this is one of them times were it's true... and it ROCKS!!!

on the iTunes store page before clicking a download  ;)

So why do this?
well normal FREE apps have adverts.. they open pop ups in your browser (under the app your using)  That crap just eats your data allowance..

Samsung Mobile Phone & JAVA Tips

Samsung Tocco Mobile Phone Tips

Saw this crap a lot of times around the internet recently when i was trying to remember
how to REMOVE that white and Blue G Symbol Icon on the Samsung Tocco Lite GT-S5230
ive had mine about a year &amp; my mate just got one

Loads of stupid pages full of adverts and mostly talking about unblocking a contact.. what kinda of reply is that ffs, other people on Yahoo answers also said it can't be done.. yeah right....  IT CAN....

So i was messing about with it for him &amp; tryna remember some of the basics
and Goolge was NO help at all!!!!!
so i dug out my disks ide burnt back when i did mine and heres a little guide

Depending on the Phones FirmWare
there was a number of codes you needed to no
such as the

Operator PreConfiguration
Internals Master Key

and a few others.....
These HIDDEN SYSTEM MENUS were accessed via your Phones Dialer
using codes that Begin with  *#   and end in *#

I have managed to cut through ALL the menus IN ALL the "CURRENT "  FirmWares
to bring you ONE CODE to access the AUTO POWER ON GPRS......

when you use this key  and then Un-Tick The box  (RESTART THE PHONE!!!!)
the Blue G logo will be GONE.....    BUT    when you wish to access the internet
OR open an APP that Requires the Internet IT WILL APPEAR AND IT WILL WORK.
When you close the app, GPRS will also close &amp; the icon will go away again....


If you have Enabled Mobile Tracking in the security section of the phone
  (to monitor your kids movements or a partner whose not all their in the head)
         that tracking may No Longer Work when the phone is off....
"If" you "COULD/DID" turn it off and go back in and it IS OFF,
yet the blue G is still their....

 Then clearly your phone is doing something Behind your back...
IE.. mobile tracker is on..  or FB is always logged in...
IE IE Something of Yours MUST  be accessing the net
so saying i turned it off &amp; its still their is YOUR PROBLEM &amp; NOT THIS GUIDE.....

ALSO NOTE Turning off the Auto Power On GRPS will save you up to 20% of your battery life  :)

Here is the Code to bring up the Option to turn OFF the auto power on
  if its "Ticked"  Untick it....

Open Phone Dialer &amp; Type In This Code   *#4777*8665#
(this works on MOST Samsung phones and if it doesn't, it wont mater)
you'll just get WRONG number &amp; nothing will be changed

You can also use the same code to go back in and turn it back on...

Here as some MISC FirmWare Codes For Samsung Tocco's Ive Encountered
(They Vary Between Model &amp; FirmWare)
you will notice that GPRS option when you go through your menus
I just provided the Exact Direct Code to save you time...
and in case you have a firmware where the Menu Access codes them selves have been changed

FirmWare = S5230XPJK1 = Codes
Admin-Menu: *#5239870*#
Operator PreConfiguration: *#27236*#
Internals Master Key: *#7092463*#

FirmWare = S5230XPIK5 = Codes
Admin-Menu: *#5239870*#
Internals Master Key: *#7092463*#
Operator PreConfiguration: *#27236*#

FirmWare = S5230XEII4 = Codes
Admin-Menu: *#6984125*#
Operator PreConfiguration: *#6984125*#
Internals Master Key: *#9072641*#
Operator Code for Pre-configuration *#73561*#

How can i check what firmware i have on the samsung tocco ?
Open the Dialer and Dial   *#1234#

"""DON'T press ANY of the On Screen Buttons that appear"""
just press the Power Off Button ONCE to close the screen

How can i unlock a Samsung Tocco Light?  Multiloader V5.56
that's dead easy, their are video guides on youtube
(with all needed tools in the video descriptions)
just read the comments to see if people say yes or no
and also try to use a LAP TOP to do it
power loss during phone flash can be risky
You only need the basic data transfer cable to do it to


Also make sure you plug phone in and let all the new hardware stuff come and go
(plug phone in to computer/laptop when phones OFF &amp; go through the new hardware)
(plug phone in again with phone on)  making sure to keep using the SAME USB port
saves windows finding new hardware during a FLASH and taking control of the port
ALSO when the flasher says its DONE wait a bit and if u have to turn off the phone
IF the flasher comes up failed
(do it again,  AND DON'T turn phone off or unplug it
leave it in download mode and do it again

Plugging im my Tocco, the PC keeps saying found new hardware for Mobile Broadcom and windows cant find driver when it checks my pc or the disk ?
Google this  OR this "V_Mobile1.0 Broadcommdriver"  and "Pre-Install USB Drivers" and "MCCI Corporation"
(if google looks for something else AND says OR search for, use the Or search for)
google has a horrible thing were it Changes what you typed in
and shows you results for what IT THOUGHT YOU MEANT......
  "V_Mobile1.0 Broadcommdriver"    IS A FILE NAME,    NOT A TYPO
you would think Samsung would of put that driver on their disk right?  BAH!!!

you can also get a Wallpaper Maker, takes 3 Pictures on PC and merges the 3 into 1
  google  "Samsung Tocco Wallpaper Maker"
or try  "S5230WallpaperCreator"   or "Copyright © Oleg Zhuk 2009"
AGAIN, make sure google doesn't show wrong results with its DID YOU MEAN...





(they are NOT the same)

why can't I install Java Games On The Galaxy?  "Moronic Question"
how can i run Java Games On a Galaxy?  (with a JAVA Emulator  GOOGLE!!!!)
GOOGLE...  (asking this kinda crap is like playing a DVD in a Washing Machine FFS)

So HOW can I Install Java Games On My Samsung Tocco
(remember this is a TOCCO TIPS POST.. NOT a Galaxy Post)
 ****Don't ask any NONE Tocco Illegal Related Questions Here*****

And i am in this mood over the stupid questions from the tocco video i did

To Install a JAR file  (that's ON YOUR PHONE)
Copy the file (game APP or what ever JAR) into your PHONE
Right into the ROOT "Media"  then rename it to   1.jar

Open the Phone Browser and Create a BOOKMARK


To Install a JAR file  (that's ON YOUR SD MEMORY CARD)
Copy the file (game APP or what ever JAR) into your SD CARD
Right into the ROOT "Media"  then rename it to   1.jar

Open the Phone Browser &amp; Create a BOOKMARK



I Can't find the Media Folder?

Go to the JAR FILE on the phone (were ever YOU put it)
select MOVE
then when it asks WHERE
select the ROOT of the Phone  (USE THE PHONE, NOT THE PC)
select The Root Using The Phone

Phone and SD Card MENU EXAMPLE
Other files
<------ data-blogger-escaped-here="here">

Can i use the "Other Files" Folder instead?

BUT you MUST change the paths like this

file:///Media/Other%20files/1.jar  phone

 file:///Mount/mmc/Other%20files/1.jar  SD

Folder Spaces MUST BE FILLED using   %20   instead of a space

I am trying to install a game on my tocco and its over 500kb and the phone gives me an error message when i try to run the app or game?
 (this happens with the likes of "Angry Birds HD" and other games over 500KB)
 to by pass this you have to use the Admin menu codes, so first you install the game, then if you get an error running the game, find the Admin menu code that works for you, check firmware to narrow down attempts
and then  FOR EXAMPLE...
On your mobile phone click on the 'Dial' button, than dial '*#6984125*#' go to 'Internals' enter the following Master Key '*#9072641*#' Go to 'Storage Settings' and click on 'Update Java DB'.
so what ever your code you MUST get to the Update Java DB and run it
Now your game will run when you click on it to play it :D

There is a Good Video Guide showing How Its Done HERE

if you found this Page using Google OR another search engine...  ROCK ON...
if you asked someone and they pointed you here....

there used to be a default reset code &amp; anyone who found a code could just remove the sim... power on the phone.. type in a key... and it reset the phone removing ALL pins and security.. this was a really naughty code...

BUT  today what that code is a naughty nasty code
does the same thing with an ADDITIONAL thing...
It changes the IME to  OOOOOOOOO  so  DON'T use it ANY factory Reset Codes....
or the phone has no MAC and can NO longer be used

how do i no if i can use a factory reset code?
All i remember from back then is this........
The IME WIPE appeared about half way through the Samsung D900 model release life span
IF you have wiped one, you maybe able to "Restore The Boot File"
U can also use the term  "How To Unbrick or Un-Brick... and the phone model number"
when searching google

BRICK.. NOT BLOCK... Computers are as Thick As You Are
So Terminology is what you need to put in a Search Engine

You can also get one of these, goes in the cable/power socket to use Headphones

Samsung Tocco Headphone Adapter

Manual Cover

Twin Toccos

Menu Backgrounds:
